If you love the term quick & easy, especially when talking about homemade bread, this one’s for you. We can even claim that there is no kneading required. The flavor and texture rival that of the bread you enjoy at your favorite kosher deli. Only difference is …this Quick & Easy Deli-Style Rye Bread is easily created by you and baked in your own kitchen. Good stuff, for sure.
You may have noticed that in my household, we’ve been really getting into making our own bread. It’s not just about the satisfaction of mastering the technique. Or the fact that it’s amazing.
Most importantly, I get to truly control the quality of what my loved ones put in their body. For quite some time now, we’ve done our best to eat organic and, of course, to avoid highly processed foods.
But until recently, I didn’t think twice about buying freshly made artisan breads. My rationale being that at least they aren’t loaded with preservatives.
Here’s the issue. Most of those bakeries use GMO-flour that has been grown and processed in the US. Since so many of our crops are treated with Round-Up, the level of toxic glyphosate typically found within our locally processed grains can be extremely high.
I’ve been testing out some of my recipes lately with really good-quality imported flour. With great success.
So far, my favorite has been Caputo of Naples, Italy. Their non-GMO wheat is locally grown and harvested with no trace of the toxic glyphosate that is prevalent in conventional US wheat.
What’s the deal with most of our domestic flour containing high levels of glyphosate?
There’s a great article on the subject, The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten) written by Sarah Pope, The Healthy Home Economist. It’s worth taking a few minutes to check it out. In her research, she has found that the current epidemic of gluten-intolerance may not be simply genetic in nature.
We need to seriously consider the probable environmental causes. I can report that my normally gluten-intolerant granddaughter can enjoy my baked goods made from this flour. With absolutely no issues. Pretty amazing, right?
If you would like to read more on the subject of toxic wheats, check out my recent post, Pizza Margherita with Authentic Neapolitan Crust, where I get into more detail and include some awesome links to important information for all of us.
Good news! I’ve found another amazing source of flour.
From right here in the US! The folks at Sunrise Flour Mill, a Minnesota-based company, produce single source, organic heritage flours using a renewed milling technology from the 1930’s called the Unifine mill.
Their heritage flours have no added chemicals, are never bleached and here’s the best part …they privately test for the presence of glyphosate in their wheat. Sold!
Thanks to the genius of Dr. Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François…
Before we get started, allow me to give you some background on this recipe as well as the amazing process. Full credit for this wonderful bread-making technique goes to the two above mentioned authors of The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.
This book is packed with recipes, information and helpful advice. I highly recommend purchasing a copy of your own. I am totally enjoying baking my way through a good portion of it. Currently, it’s the most referenced book in my entire collection of cookbooks.
So, basically the way it works…
- Make a large batch of dough which can be mixed by hand and truly requires no kneading.
- Let that dough sit at room temperature for two hours, during which time it will grow substantially.
- Loosely cover the container and place it in your fridge where it will hang out for up to two weeks.
- Yes! That’s it! When you want to bake some bread …you grab some, quickly shape it, let it rest for a short time and bake it.
- So on baking day, you spend about five minutes hands-on time preparing the dough and before you know it, you’ll have your very own delicious homemade deli-style rye bread.
Let’s make some of this amazing Quick & Easy Deli-Style Rye Bread.
To get started, we’ll be making a big batch of bread dough. It really does come together with just what you see here. You’ll just use a large sturdy wooden spoon or a Danish dough whisk, as I’ve used here. Less clean-up always works for me.
Another important factor when baking…
It really is critical that you measure the flour carefully. The best way to accurately determine the amount by volume is to reach into your flour bin with your measuring cup, scoop up a full measure in one swoop …then sweep it level with a knife.
I always measure my flour by weight in grams on my digital food scale. It really is the foolproof way to get it right each and every time.
The classic flavor of this bread comes from the hearty rye flour along with the addition of caraway. In my household, the decision is split on making the bread seeded throughout.
I compromise and use ground caraway seed in the dough then sprinkle the actual seeds on top of the loaf for a more authentic look and taste. The seeds can be found in your local food market but the ground seeds are not widely available so I order mine on Amazon.
The yeast, caraway and salt are added to the lukewarm water. After a quick stir, the flours are mixed in. Can’t get much easier than that, folks.
You’ll need a large container to mix and hold the dough. For this presentation, I used a large glass bowl so that you could better visualize the growth of the dough although that’s not ideal for storage in the fridge.
But really …check out the growth of this “literally thrown together” dough.
What you see here is what happens with just a two-hour room-temperature rest following the initial mix. When it’s done rising, it will begin to “flatten” on the top. Do not punch down the dough! With this method, you’re trying to retain as much gas in the dough as possible. Also, you never knead this dough.
After just two hours at room temperature…
Crazy, right?
And the best news is that this dough is designed to thrive in your refrigerator. It can hang out there for a full fourteen days. The longer it’s refrigerated, the more full the flavor. It tends to take on notes of sourdough in the second week.
Bread made from dough that’s been stored for just a day or two won’t taste the same as a loaf made from dough that’s been stored for twelve or thirteen days. Some folks have been known to have staggered batches hangin’ out in their fridge so that they are never baking with brand-new dough. Not a bad idea.
Let’s move on to baking day…
- Grab that refrigerated container of prepared dough and sprinkle the surface of the dough with flour.
- Keep in mind that this batch of dough will be enough for four small loaves weighing about 13-ounces each.
- I usually choose to make three slightly larger loaves weighing in at about 17 or 18-ounces each.
- You can even divide the prepared dough in half and make two very large loaves using about 26-ounces of dough for each one.
- If you prefer larger loaves, simply make the adjustment in the volume keeping in mind that the resting time and baking time will be slightly increased as a result.
- Pull up and cut off a piece of dough based on the loaf size you’ll be making.
- Hold the dough in your hands, adding more flour as needed so that it doesn’t stick to your hands.
- Gently stretch the surface of the dough around the bottom all the way around, rotating the dough as you go to form a ball.
- By adding a generous amount of flour as you work, you are creating a “gluten cloak” on the surface of the wet dough so that it is easily shaped.
- Elongate the ball to roughly form an oval loaf.
- Work quickly so that the entire process takes just 20 to 30 seconds. You don’t want to overwork the dough.
- Place the shaped oval of dough on a tray that’s been covered with a sheet of parchment paper.
- Allow it to rest for about 40 minutes.
- If you prefer your bread with a wonderful “custard crumb” interior (chewy & moist with air holes that have shiny walls), then cover the ball of dough with an overturned bowl.
- Allow it to rest for a full 90 minutes.
I used Sunrise Flour Mill’s Organic Coarse-Ground Rye Flour here …check out the wonderful texture peeking through the fresh dough. That’s not seeds peeking through. It’s the coarse rye flour which will soften during baking producing a wonderful chewy texture.
You most likely won’t notice much “rise” during this resting period but a considerable amount of rising will take place during the baking process. That is referred to as “oven spring.”
While your dough is resting, it’s time to make a decision on what method of baking you will be using to make your Quick & Easy Deli-Style Rye Bread.
I typically use my Dutch oven but will also include details on baking on a pizza stone.
- Bake on a preheated baking (pizza) stone with a nearby metal tray holding water for steam OR
- Bake in a parchment paper-lined preheated Dutch oven.
Just before baking, paint the top crust with water then sprinkle with the desired amount of caraway seeds. Slash with 1/2″-deep, parallel cuts across the top of the loaf using a serrated bread knife. It can be helpful to moisten the blade with water between cuts.
If using a baking stone…
- Place it near the middle of the oven and place an empty metal broiler tray on any shelf that won’t interfere with rising bread.
- Never use a glass dish …it can shatter when the water is added.
- Preheat the oven to 450°F.
- Give the stone at least 20 to 30 minutes to fully heat through.
- The loaf is then carefully placed, with the parchment paper, on the preheated stone.
- Carefully pour about one cup of hot tap water into the broiler tray and very quickly close the oven door.
- It is important to trap the steam within the oven.
- Bake the bread for a total of 30 to 35 minutes until the crust is browned to your liking and is firm to the touch.
- If you prefer a very crispy bottom crust, pull the parchment paper from under the bread after the first 20 minutes of baking.
If using the method of baking in a preheated Dutch oven…
- Preheat a lidded Dutch oven for 45 minutes at 450ºF.
- Carefully remove the hot lid and place it on a rack nearby.
- Please be careful – it is super hot!
- Use the piece of parchment paper as handles and carefully lower the formed dough-topped parchment paper into the preheated pot.
- Carefully grab that hot lid and cover the Dutch oven to trap the heat and steam within.
- No need for a steam bath with this method.
- Remove the lid after the first 20 to 25 minutes.
- Continue to bake uncovered until the crust is richly browned.
Both of these methods produce a delicious loaf of crusty rustic bread with a moist chewy interior. It’s really a matter of personal preference. I usually lean towards using the Dutch oven technique. I find that it is somewhat easier and the crust seems to have a bit more character.
Check out this photo of my Quick & Easy Deli-Style Rye Bread.
It really does look just like the picture in the cookbook!
I mean, really …how often does that happen? Make a few loaves of this delicious bread and your peeps will think you’re a baking rock star!
Regardless of the size of your loaf or the method of baking, allow the bread to fully cool on a wire rack for up to 2 hours for the best flavor, texture and ease of slicing.
Sorry to be so lengthy on this post but I wanted to be sure to share every single detail with you. Hoping you stayed with me up to this point and now realize that you can do this!
Here’s a handy list of some supplies & useful gear that you may need…
- The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
- Antimo Caputo Classic All-Purpose Organic Flour
- Sunrise Flour Mill Coarse Organic Rye Flour
- Ground Caraway Seeds
- Digital Food Scale
- Danish Dough Whisk
- Parchment Paper
- Pizza Baking Stone
- Le Creuset 5 1/2 Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven
You really can make & enjoy this homemade Quick & Easy Deli-Style Rye Bread in your own home.

quick & easy deli-style rye bread
Based on a recipe from The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
- 3 cups lukewarm water (around 100°F) (680 grams)
- 1 tablespoon granulated yeast (10 grams)
- 1 1/2 tablespoons caraway seeds plus more for sprinkling on top (or 1 tablespoon ground caraway plus seeds for sprinkling)
- 1 tablespoon kosher salt (17 grams)
- 1 cup rye flour (120 grams)
- 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (780 grams)
- parchment paper
Mixing & Storing the Dough
Warm the water just a little so that it feels just slightly warmer than body temperature. That should put it at about 100°F (40°C) or slightly below.
In a very large bowl or a 6-quart container with a lid, mix the yeast & salt with the warm water. Don’t worry about getting the yeast to dissolve.
Add the flour to the water mixture all at once, then use a spoon or dough whisk to mix until the flour is completely incorporated and you have a lumpy dough. As you're mixing the dough, it may become too difficult to incorporate all the flour with the spoon. At that point, just use very wet hands to bring the mixture together. But do not knead the dough! It’s not necessary. You just want the dough to be uniformly wet and loose enough to conform to the shape of its container. And be certain that there are no dry patches of flour.
Loosely cover the container and let the dough hang out at room temperature until it begins to rise considerably. It will collapse or flatten a little on the top in about 2 hours.
At that point, stash the container of dough in the fridge with a loose cover. Don't seal it for the first few days. It is important to allow the gases to escape during that time. After a few days, you can tightly cover it.
You can use the dough anytime after the initial 2-hour rise, although the refrigerated wet dough is less sticky and easier to work with than dough at room temperature, so it’s best to refrigerate the dough for at least 3 hours or overnight before handling it. Once refrigerated, the dough will seem to have shrunk back upon itself as though it will never rise again—that’s normal. Whatever you do, do not punch down this dough. You’re trying to retain as much gas in the dough as possible, and punching it down knocks gas out and results in denser loaves. Mark your container with the date so that you're certain to use the dough at some point within 14 days.
Preparing the Dough on Baking Day
When you want to bake a fresh loaf of deli-style rye bread, cover your pizza peel or a flat tray with a piece of parchment paper.
Grab the refrigerated container of prepared dough and sprinkle the surface of the dough with flour. Pull up and cut off a piece of dough; the amount of dough will depend on the desired loaf size. (See recipe notes.) Hold the dough in your hands, adding more flour as needed so that it doesn’t stick to your hands. Gently stretch the surface of the dough around the bottom all the way around, rotating the dough as you go to form a ball. Elongate the ball to roughly form an oval loaf. By adding a generous amount of flour as you work, you are creating a “gluten cloak” on the surface of the wet dough so that it is easily shaped. Work quickly so that the entire process takes just 20 to 30 seconds. You don’t want to overwork the dough.
The bottom of the ball of dough may appear to be a collection of bunched ends. Gently pinch those ends together; they will flatten out and adhere during resting and baking. The rest of your oval loaf should be smooth and cohesive.
Place the shaped loaf of dough on the sheet of parchment paper, seam side down with all the collected bunched ends on the peel. Let it rest for about 40 minutes. It doesn’t need to be covered. You most likely will not see much rise during this period; that's normal. It will rise much more during baking.
If you prefer your bread with a wonderful “custard crumb” interior (chewy & moist with air holes that have shiny walls), then cover the ball of dough with an overturned bowl. Allow it to rest for a full 90 minutes.
Choose which method you'll be using to bake your Deli-Style Rye Bread.
Baking on a Preheated Stone with Steam
Preheat the oven to 450°F. Place your baking stone (or overturned metal tray) near the middle of the oven and place an empty metal broiler tray on any shelf that won’t interfere with rising bread. Never use a glass dish …it can shatter when the water is added. Give the stone at least 20 to 30 minutes to fully heat through.
Using a pastry or basting brush, paint the top crust with water and then sprinkle with the caraway seeds. Slash with ½"-deep parallel cuts across the top of the loaf, using a serrated bread knife or a bread lame.
The loaf is then carefully placed, with the parchment paper, on the preheated stone. Carefully pour about one cup of hot tap water into the broiler tray and very quickly close the oven door. It is important to trap the steam within the oven. Bake a 16-ounce loaf for a total of 30 to 35 minutes until the crust is browned to your liking and is firm to the touch. Smaller or larger loaves will require adjustments in baking time.
If you prefer a very crispy bottom crust, pull the parchment paper from under the bread after the first 20 minutes of baking.
Allow the bread to fully cool on a wire rack for up to 2 hours for the best flavor, texture and ease of slicing.
Baking in a Parchment Paper-Lined Preheated Dutch Oven
Preheat a lidded Dutch oven for 45 minutes at 450ºF.
Using a pastry or basting brush, paint the top crust with water and then sprinkle with the caraway seeds. Slash with ½"-deep parallel cuts across the top of the loaf, using a serrated bread knife or a bread lame.
Carefully remove the hot lid and place it on a rack nearby. Please be careful – it is super hot! Use the piece of parchment paper as handles and carefully lower the formed dough-topped parchment paper into the preheated pot. Cautiously grab that hot lid and cover the Dutch oven to trap the heat and steam within. No need for a steam bath with this method.
Bake a 16-ounce loaf for a total of 30 to 35 minutes until the crust is browned to your liking and is firm to the touch. Smaller or larger loaves will require adjustments in baking time.
Remove the lid after the first 20 to 25 minutes and continue to bake uncovered until the crust is richly browned.
Allow the bread to fully cool on a wire rack for up to 2 hours for the best flavor, texture and ease of slicing.
Recipe Notes
This batch of dough will be enough for four small loaves weighing about 13-ounces each.
I usually choose to make three slightly larger loaves weighing in at about 17 or 18-ounces each. You can even divide the prepared dough in half and make two very large loaves using about 26-ounces of dough for each one.
If you prefer larger loaves, simply make the adjustment in the volume keeping in mind that the resting time and baking time will be slightly increased as a result.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase after clicking through the link. I have personally experienced all of these products, and I recommend them because I have found them to be of superior quality. We appreciate your support.
Thank you for a well written recipe for a novice baker. The bread exceeded my expectations and it was so delicious. I halved the recipe and baked one loaf of bread in a cast iron dutch oven after fermenting in the refrigerator for 12 days. I actually can’t wait to make it again. I appreciate your detailed instructions and thanks again for posting the best Rye bread recipe (my husband most definitely agrees ?)
Thanks so much, Anne. Your kind words are appreciated. And I totally agree …after making this bread for the first time, we couldn’t wait to make more!
Hi Rosemary,
I came to your site today looking for a Pita Bread recipe. Can I use the GF Chiobatta recipe for Pita?
Thanks for all the info and links. I have not been diagnosed with a gluten problem but just feel better when I avoid it. Been struggling to teach myself all the various characteristics of GF grains. and have an arsenal now of Gf flour. But I miss the regular breads. So, today I am encouraged by your article about the Glyfosate being the problem. and am anxious to try better flour. I couldn’t track down the Woodland in Idaho. Seems there is not an active website and didn’t find it at Amazon. Thanks for all the links
Rosemarie 🙂
Hi Rosemarie. Your timing couldn’t be better! I am planning to post a recipe for homemade pita bread in the near future. I’ll be using Sunrise organic flour on that one …the link to their site is included in the List of Supplies toward the end of this post. I’m not familiar with Woodland in Idaho but have had great success using the Sunrise Heritage organic flours. My gluten intolerant granddaughter has had no issues after much tasting!
I haven’t made gluten-free pita bread but I would think that the gf flour blend would work well in any of the recipes out there. Just use that when the recipe calls for gluten-free flour.
Hello. How long did you leave the pictured dough out for the second rise? 90 or 40 minutes? I’ve made this with the 90 min second rise and was wondering.
What you see pictured is the product of a 90-minute second rise. I think the longer rise produces a lighter bread with lots of “custard crumb.” And I always bake it in my Dutch oven …it never fails!
I would love to see your recipe but the *** ads cover part of it. Help!
Hi Pam. It may appear to be “covered up” somewhat but they are designed in a way so that the text actually wraps around any ads in that area. Hope you’re able to give this bread a try. It really is so delicious!
This bread is incredible!!
I wanted to use up some rye flour that I had and searched for a rye bread recipe. I never made rye bread so I really didn’t know what to expect. I was skeptical since this recipe has very few ingredients, no oil or sugar but I figured it was easy enough and I would give it a shot. I prepared the dough in the bread maker and let it rise over night in the fridge. It’s delicious!!! I’m making my 3rd batch as I type. I left out the caraway seeds since I don’t like them .
Thanks so much, Esther! I can’t help but to agree with you …this bread really is incredible!
Hi Rosemary, can you bake this in the oven? Thank you!
Christine, this bread is baked in the oven either on a preheated stone (or steel) or in a preheated dutch oven.
What size Dutch oven did you use? I have a 5 quart.
Hi Robyn. I use a Le Creuset 5 1/2 quart so you’re good to go. Happy baking!
I haven’t baked this yet but it is in the lineup! I have been seeing some rye bread recipes with a cornstarch/water mixture (heated in microwave/stir until thickened) brushed on top of the baked still warm rye bread and let sit for 3 hours before slicing. Have you tried this and what is your opinion? Thank you!
Not familiar with this method but it is intriguing. I typically avoid using cornstarch since a loved one has a serious corn allergy. If it wasn’t for that, I would probably give this a try!
Wonderful bread!
Thanks so much, Christine!
Can I use more rye flour in this recipe?
This bread definitely has an assertive rye flavor when made as directed. And the longer the dough hangs out in the fridge, the stronger the flavor. Since rye is low in air-trapping gluten, you always need some wheat flour in order to achieve a proper rise. If you were to change the ratio of rye to white all-purpose flour by increasing the rye flour, your bread may turn out to be on the dense side. I hope that’s helpful.
Ji, I can’t find coarse rye flour, will medium work??
Hi Susie. You can use either type of rye flour. I’ve used both and the only real difference is in the texture with the coarse flour producing a slightly more hearty bread.